
Snl justin and beyonce single ladies
Snl justin and beyonce single ladies

snl justin and beyonce single ladies

As yet another sign of how old he’s getting, Don Pardo bizarrely announces Michaela Watkins as “Michaelllliallia Watson”. Added to the cast tonight are Abby Elliott and Michaela Watkins, the former being the first second-generation cast member in SNL history, as she’s the daughter of season 20 cast member Chris Elliott. Lots of pretty funny “wild” lines and hot takes from Jason’s Biden throughout this. Jason’s Biden assuring us that he can be as entertaining and wacky as Sarah Palin kinda seems like a thinly-veiled way for SNL themselves to assure us viewers that SNL can continue to be entertaining after all the Palin stuff they got lots of acclaim and media attention from. And yet Lorne STILL keeps Fred in the Obama role for four damn years. The fact that SNL’s first post-election cold opening is oddly about vice president elect Joe Biden, and not, you know, the ACTUAL president elect himself, Barack Obama, seems to be an admission from SNL that they’re far more confident in Jason’s Biden impression than they are in Fred’s Obama impression. Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 starsīlundering Joe Biden (JAS) promises to be as entertaining as Sarah Palin

Snl justin and beyonce single ladies